Connecticut Custom Fire Training
The baseball swing is an excellent forcible entry technique for wood doors set in wood frames, common to most private dwellings. By swinging the halligan like a baseball bat and driving the pike into the jamp you essentially split the frame. Splitting the frame will compromise the keepers on the frame which the bolts of the locks are set. Once the point is set firmly into the frame pressure can be applied to the tool and the door to complete your entry. A great single firefighter technique when faced with a wood door set in a wooden frame.
The importance of proper positioning and clear, concise communications between the Irons firefighter and the Canman cannot be overstressed. The Irons firefighter should position themselves between the tool and the door and keep their eyes focused on the working end of the tool. The Irons firefighter manipulates the Halligan into posistion and calls for hits as needed. The Can firefighter needs to position themselves so they can deliver hits perpendicular to the "Sweet Spot" at the base of the Adz. Hits are delivered on the command "HIT" and should consist of compact yet powerful blows.